横須賀の芭月武館で生まれ育った高校生。幼い頃に母を亡くし、厳格な父・巌(いわお)の下で芭月流柔術の修行に明け暮れる日々を過ごしていた。しかし、突如現れた謎の中国服の男・藍帝(らんてい)に父を殺害され、その死の謎を解き明かすため旅立つ。性格は無鉄砲で喧嘩っ早いが、内に秘めた意志は強固。復讐への決意は長引く旅を経ても、決して揺らぐことはない。この性格に加え、仇への復讐を逸るあまり、考えるよりもまず行動することが多く、荒くれ者との喧嘩が絶えない日々を送る。一方で、行く先々で知り合った人々とときには支えあったり、ときには諌められたりの触れ合いも多い。かけがえのない経験を重ねることで、確かな成長を遂げていく。 A high school boy who was raised in Yokosuka at the Hazuki Dojo. Losing his Mother at a young age, Ryo trained to master the Hazuki style martial arts under his strict Father. However, one day his father is murdered by a mysterious man named Lan Di. To unveil the mystery behind his Father’s death, Ryo begins his journey. Ryo is reckless and prone to getting into fights but has a strong will. No matter how long the journey may take his determination to avenge his Father will never fade. Along with his personality and his determination, he often acts without thinking through and gets into many fights during his journey. On the other hand, he meets many who help him and at times scold him. Ryo’s experiences in his journey lead to him growing as a person. < back

黒社会の巨大組織・蚩尤門(しゆうもん)の最高幹部のひとり。左腕に刺青があり、中華服を身にまとう。拳法に関しては天賦の才をもつ。その性格は冷酷非情にして、繰り出される拳はまさに苛烈の一言に尽きる。すべてを威圧する鋭い眼光は他者を寄せつけず、同じ蚩尤門(しゆうもん)内部でも、まともに会話できる者すら少ない。横須賀で涼の父を殺害し、龍鏡を持ち去った。 He is one of the high-ranking members of the underground organization Chi You Men. He has tattoos on his left arm and wears traditional Chinese clothing. Additionally, he has a natural talent for martial arts. He’s ruthless and his punches are fierce. He intimidates all that are around him to the point that there are only a few members that can talk to him even in Chi You Men. He murders Ryo’s father and takes the Dragon Mirror. < back

本名は玲莎花(レイ シェンファ)。人里離れた桂林の村に住む少女。神秘的で謎めいた存在。山野の植物や動物に関する知識が豊富で、けもの道などを見分けたり、風の流れで天候を読んだりすることもできる。素朴で純真だが、時としてその優しさゆえに自らの危険をかえりみず行動することも。莎木(シェンムー)の花が咲いた頃に生まれたため「莎花」と名付けられたが、実の両親を幼い頃に亡くしてしまう。現在は、石工を営む育ての親である袁(えん)と暮らしている。 Her name is Shenhua Ling. She is a young girl who lives in a rural village in Guilin. Shenhua is a mysterious girl, who has a vast knowledge of plants and animals; she can find her tracks even in the wilderness and is also able to read the weather by wind. She’s pure and simple but at times puts herself at risk for the sake of others. She was named “Shenhua” since she was born when the Shenmue Tree bloomed. Shenhua currently lives with her foster parent Yunshen Yuan, after losing her parents at a young age. < back

涼のことをひそかに慕う女の子。日本で生まれたが、小学生の頃は両親の仕事の関係で、しばらくカナダのバンクーバーに渡っていた。帰国後、祖母の住む横須賀で再び暮らすようになった。中学校転入当時、カナダとは環境の違う日本にすぐなじめずいじめられていたが、その時さりげなくかばってくれたのが涼だった。それ以来、涼への想いは募り続けている。自分の考え方をしっかり持っていて、なおかつ相手の気持ちを考えることもできる性格である。いつもは祖母の花屋を手伝っている。 A girl who has a crush on Ryo. She was born in Japan but went to elementary school in Vancouver due to her parents’ occupation. After returning to Japan, she began living with her grandmother in Yokosuka. When she transferred to a middle school in Yokosuka, she was bullied because she had trouble fitting in. As a result, she was bullied but was saved by Ryo who came in to defend her. Ever since, she has been secretly admiring Ryo. Nozomi has a strong will but is also able to be considerate for others. She usually spends time helping her grandmother’s flower shop. < back

陳耀文(ちんようぶん)の息子。貿易商を営む父のそばで経営を学びながら、ボディガードも務める。常に冷静沈着、感情を内に秘めるタイプであるためクールな印象を受けるが、実はかなり熱い男。横浜に生まれ、幼い頃から父のもとで厳しい修行を積む。そのため、そっけない態度をとりながらも、内心では似た境遇の涼に親しみを感じている。 The son of Yoawen Chen. Guizhang trains under his father to learn his trading business while working as his bodyguard. He is passionate, but he keeps his emotions to himself, which makes him seem cool and calm. He was born in Yokohama and was taught martial arts by his father from a young age. Since Ryo has a similar upbringing as him, although Guizhang acts cold he feels close to Ryo. < back

バイク好きで快活、思ったことはどんなことでもすぐ口にするストレートな女性。わがままでぶっきらぼうな言い方から誤解されやすいが、本当は心の優しい、裏表のない性格。父親は港の貿易業務を取り仕切る、人々に信頼の厚い人物。ジョイはその一人娘で、その影響なのか、港でジョイに対して頭の上がらない人たちも多い。涼と同様ジョイもまた、幼くして母親を失っている。 Joy is a young woman who loves motorcycles. She is cheerful and speaks her mind. She frequently misinterpreted as curt and selfish by the way she speaks, but she’s a kind and honest person. Her father runs a trade business and is highly trusted by many. Whether or not it’s due to her father, Joy is also respected by many. Like Ryo, Joy has also lost her mother at a young age. < back

本名は刃武鷹(レン ウーイン)。ビバリーヒルズワーフを縄張りとしているストリートギャング、ヘヴンズのヘッド。カリスマ性があり、その言動や行動力でヘヴンズを統率している。金に対する執着心が強く、基本的に仲間以外の他人を信用しない。口が達者で悪知恵が働き、腕っ節もあるのでアバディーンではかなり恐れられている。裏社会の組織である黄天会(こうてんかい)と対立しており、いずれひと泡吹かせようと考えている。 His real name is Ren Wuying. He’s the head of Heavens, a street gang that operates in Beverly Hills Wharf. Ren is charismatic, and his words and actions lead the members of Heavens. He is obsessed with money and does not trust anyone other than his friends. In Aberdeen, Ren is known for being strong, sly, and having his way with words. He has rivalry against Yellow Heads and is planning to beat them one day. < back

ヘヴンズのメンバー。レンを実の兄のように慕い、その逞しさと男らしさに憧れている。背は低いが負けん気が強い。子供のわりに義理堅く、受けた恩は忘れない。ヘヴンズでも右に出る者がいないほど手先が器用で、鍵開けが得意。根は優しく、純粋な心をもった少年である。 A member of Heavens. He looks up to Ren like a brother and aspires to be like him. He’s short but it is very competitive. Although Wong is still a child, he is loyal and never forgets the favor that has been done for him. He’s the most dexterous member of Heavens and is good at picking locks. Wong is a young boy with a pure heart and kindness. < back

黄天会(こうてんかい)のボスで、蚩尤門(しゆうもん)の配下に入り藍帝に取り入る為に、朱元達を探す。熊のような巨体で涼たちを追いつめる。 While being the boss of Yellow Heads, Dou Niu is also part of Chi You Men. To gain trust from Lan Di, he also begins looking for Yuanda Zhu. Dou Niu has a large bear-like body, which puts Ryo and his friends in a difficult situation when fighting him. < back